Do you feel like smoothies don’t keep you full?! What if I told you that you can create a weight loss smoothie at home that is filling?
It is totally true that physically chewing your food does help with satiety! However, I do find more often than not that when people tell me their smoothie aren’t keeping them full, it’s just because they’re not adding the right ingredients.
I personally love smoothies in the morning. When I make them following my meal formula because they are absolutely so filling to me (my clients think so too!) I also just don’t like eating anything heavy first thing in the morning, personally. So a smoothie to me is perfect because it feels light but still satisfying.
Make a Fat Burning and Filling Smoothie at Home
Most smoothies you find online or at your local smoothie shop are full of carbs and sugar (added or not). And even if that sugar and those carbs are from a “healthy” source… these smoothies are just not well balanced. They are lacking protein, fat, and fiber since it is basically a sugar bomb.
The thing is, carbohydrates are a great source of energy; however, they don’t keep us full for very long. That’s why I highly suggest to portion your carbs and balance them with protein and fat to keep you full for longer. Protein and fat take longer to digest and they also help manage hunger hormones so you can stay full for hours even while losing weight.
Try this smoothie for a delicious flavor of a chocolate raspberry without the sugar crash and being hungry 90 minutes later.
Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie Recipe:
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp almond butter
1/2 cup frozen cauliflower rice
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
If losing weight living a low carb lifestyle without counting calories or being hangry is something you want to learn more about, I have a FREE training on exactly that. You get instant access to it if you click this link. It will bring you straight to the video and you can watch my step-by-step process that I teach my clients to lose weight, living a low carb lifestyle!