Are you struggling to figure out low carb Starbucks drinks to help you with your weight loss? Like you pull up to the drive through and the frappuccino is tempting you, but you know it has a lot of sugar but you just want something tasty without all the carbs? Then it’s your turn to order and you don’t know what to get so you either just get black coffee and are totally disappointed despite it being low carb. Or maybe you get the frappunccino but 1/2 way through your drink you’re upset you went off track with your weight loss plan, yet again. So you finish it anyways because the drink was 5 bucks and wind up falling off track for the rest of the day because your sugar cravings get out of control.
Babe, I totally get it cause I’ve been there too! And I’m here to tell you there is a happy medium 🙂 I’m sharing this blog post with you today so you can bring it with you next time you go so you can determine exactly what you are getting, actually enjoying the coffee and going about your day without overanalyzing your drink choice.