Check out a few of my favorite low carb recipies that have helped me on my weight loss journey!

Welcome to my “What I eat in a day” post. This was highly requested, so I’m really excited about it. I’m going to be sharing with you what I eat to maintain my 20-pound weight loss. Just so you know, every single day is not the same for me. Although I do typically eat a lot of the same meals every day. And just because something works for me, doesn’t mean it’s what you should do. So if you’re making any major changes to your diet, definitely talk to a registered dietician one-on-one or a doctor. With that being said, I’m excited to share with you babes what has helped me on my weight loss journey and how I eat to maintain my weight loss and give you some weight loss tips along the way in case that’s something you’re working towards.
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Breakfast – Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
One scoop chocolate protein powder
2 Tbsp. ground flax
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
½ cup frozen cauliflower rice
We’re going to make a smoothie because I want to share with you my smoothie formula. So many people tell me that they don’t drink smoothies because they don’t keep them full. Or someone told them that they shouldn’t drink smoothies for weight loss. Seriously babes? If you make a smoothie correctly, it can keep you full for a really long time. And I drink smoothies all the time and so many of my clients do. You absolutely can get amazing weight loss success drinking smoothies, but you want to make sure you’re making it a meal.
Now, when you go to a store or most the recipes online, it’s just a big carbohydrate bomb. It’s a bunch of fruit juices, all that stuff. That’s not what we want. You can put carbs in your smoothie, but you also want to make sure you’re adding protein, fat. fiber to make sure you’re staying full and satisfied. You’re balancing your blood sugar and you are turning down those hunger hormones.
So let’s make my smoothie now. And I’ll kind of tell you all the details as we go through. I use a NutriBullet. I get asked this a lot. It’s just easy for me. It’s like a one stop shop. I like that. I use almond milk, unsweetened. We always want to add protein. This is a big, big mistake not to. When people are trying to lose weight, a lot of times I find breakfast options might be low in protein and that causes cravings for later on the day. So especially if you’re someone’s struggling with food cravings or you want to make sure you’re maintaining your muscle mass and feeling nice and toned as you’re losing weight, definitely make sure you have a protein source at all meals. I’ve been liking this bone broth protein from Ancient Nutrition, there’s collagen in it. I just really like the flavor of it.
This protein powder foams really well. It makes a really thick and creamy smoothie. I typically add about two tablespoons of either chia or flax seeds into my smoothies. I prefer flax seeds, but you can use whatever floats your boat. One tip, always add the liquid first, because if you add the dry ingredients first, it just gets stuck to the bottom of the blender. So I’m going to add a tablespoon of cacao powder. I love the flavor of it. If you really are a chocolate lover, you’ll probably love it. It’s not a magical thing for weight loss or your health. It has a lot of antioxidant properties and stuff like that. So it’s very nutritious, but you don’t need this if you don’t want it. It’s just something that I enjoy putting in my smoothie.
Now, the nut butter. I see a lot of people skipping the nut butter when it comes to their smoothie, but this is really important because fat keeps you full. It releases a hormone called cholecystokinin, and that helps us feel calm and relaxed. So I use about a tablespoon of some sort of nut butter typically, or you can use coconut butter, coconut oil, whatever, a type of fat you want to use. Avocado is great too, a fourth or a half avocado. Last, but not least, is the cauliflower rice. This is a game changer for smoothies. It makes it cold, creamy, delicious. It’s a great replacement for ice if you put ice in your smoothie. It’s such a good way to add veggies and fiber to a smoothie and you can’t even taste it. It just makes it cold, creamy, delicious. It’s so good.
And now we’re ready to blend. You may be asking, “Where’s the fruit?” Sometimes I totally put fruit in my smoothies. I just know since I’m having a lighter breakfast, I’m probably going to have an earlier lunch and I just don’t feel like I really need it right now. I didn’t work out today, although I will be getting steps in and I probably will do a little workout later. I will be eating carbs throughout the day. Stay tuned.
Typically, I have carbs at two to three meals per day. But today is just kind of an off day for me. And that’s something that’s beautiful about when it comes to listening to your body. This is something that I really teach the girls in my programs, how to understand days where you might need more carbs, less carbs, and just listen to your body.
Your body is really smart and good at telling you what it needs if you actually listen
I’ve lost 20 pounds without counting calories, macros, anything like that. Really just coming down to having some structure to my meals and what my day is going to look like with eating, but having enough flexibility to really live my life. Not having to count everything. People overcomplicate nutrition so much.
One of the main things I hear from my clients, which I love so much, they’re like, this is so easy. Not that it’s necessarily always easy to implement a weight loss plan, but the plan itself is so easy. A smoothie is such an easy, quick breakfast for in the morning time, it takes five minutes. When people are like, “I don’t have time for breakfast.” I’m like you have time for a smoothie, especially if you’re scrolling through Instagram.
If you have a good tasting protein powder, it just makes the whole smoothie. Because that’s really the solid foundation to your smoothie when it comes to flavor. But I taste the cacao powder, the peanut butter, and the cauliflower rice makes it just creamy and smooth. It’s also great with half a banana, if you do want a carb in here.
Lunch – Apple Pie Mug Cake
(pair with side salad and chicken for a meal)
Chop one small apple into cubes and place in a small pot over medium heat with 1 tsp. Coconut oil and cinnamon until apples are softened.
In a mug mix together:
1 egg and add
1 Tbsp. coconut flour
½ tsp. Vanilla extract.
Add ½ of the apples to the mixture and microwave for 60 seconds.
Top with the rest of the apples and 1 Tbsp. almond butter.
I’m so excited for this lunch. I’m actually at my parents, my mom just made a salad. So I’m going to have some of that and some chicken that my dad made. The chicken is just seasoned with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper. The salad has arugula, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, apple cider vinegar, a little olive oil, and the same spices as the chicken. So I’m going to dig into that. And then for part of my meal, I’m going to make an apple pie mug cake.
As with the other part of my meals, since I basically just had that veggies and protein, I’m going to make this apple mug cake that’s so delicious, so easy and a perfect balance to that. Basically when it comes to my meal formula, I try and get some veggies, protein, sometimes carbs in a meal, sometimes not always, like this morning, and then some fat serving.
So what I’m doing to make this mug cake is I took one small apple. I got it from the farmer’s market so it’s really good. Chopped it up into pieces, put a teaspoon of coconut oil and I’m going to sprinkle some cinnamon on it. And then we’re going to heat it over the stove until it gets nice and soft
As that’s heating on the stove, I’m going to crack one egg into a mug. I’m going to add some more cinnamon. You can also use pumpkin pie spice. That’s really good too, but I’m going to use cinnamon for now and then a tablespoon of coconut flour and mix it all up. You can also add Stevia or monk fruit, but because it’s going to be sweet from the apples, I don’t really feel like that’s necessary for me, but you can do that. I’m going to put half the apples in here, put it in the microwave for about a minute, and then top it with the rest of the apples and some nut butter.
Breakfast for Dinner
3 eggs
1 slice of dairy free cheese
1 zucchini sauteed with avocado oil
garlic powder
onion powder
For dinner, I am having a couple eggs with a slice of dairy free cheese, onion, sauteed zucchini with garlic, onion, powder, salt, and then Dale’s having basically the same thing with Swiss cheese and potatoes.
If you’re interested in learning more about my low carb approach to weight loss, click this link to access my free workshop and make sure you check out my video on YouTube!