Are you overwhelmed thinking about weight loss meal prep? Do you feel confused on how to go about planning your week or what you should be eating?
Embarking on a weight loss journey can be exciting but I know it can also feel like A LOT in the beginning too.
I know when I initially thought about meal prep it made me want to cry. How could something that is suppose to make my life “easier” feel like so much work?
You will see a lot of meal prep tips out there that involves prepping out an ENTIRE week of the same meal on Sunday. And sure that is one way to do it. But that is not the only way by any means or the way I recommend.
First off, that’s boring. No one wants to eat the same meal every single day. Also, it just isn’t going to stay very fresh if you make something on a Sunday for a Friday.
The great thing about weight loss meal prep is you can do as little or much as you want. However, even just doing a little something can help you get through a busy week while staying on plan.
In this article I am going to share with you my 3 best weight loss meal prep tips so that you can stay on track with your weight loss plan.
Click here for my FREE One Week Low Carb Meal Plan to help you get started with your meal prep asap.
3 Weight Loss Meal Prep Tips:
1. Start small and pick one meal to prep
It’s common to start to feel overwhelmed at the thought of meal prep. So what I want you to do is think about your week and what meals seem to stress you out the most. Is it breakfast when you’re running out the door for work, lunch when you’re in the middle of a crazy work day or dinner when you’re tired after a long day. Figure out what meal throws you off the most and start with just prepping that one meal before hand.
2. Bulk prep food groups for weight loss meal prep
When it comes to weight loss having balanced meals like I teach in The Low Carb Babe Society is key to reaching your goals.
You want to make sure each meal has …
- protein
- veggies
- healthy fats
- optional: high fiber carb
It can be helpful to bulk prep different foods in each food group so that you can easily throw together a meal.
For example …
- protein: hard boil some eggs for the week and cook a rotisserie chicken
- veggies: roast some veggies in the oven or a big salad that you can use for lunches or dinners
- healthy fats: these you typically don’t need to prep but may include stocking up in healthy cooking oils, nut butters or avocado
- high fiber carb: cook some sweet potatoes or rice in advanced
3. Split meal prep up into 2 days
A lot of people think meal prep is always done on a Sunday and that’s really not true! Yes, I do find the start of a week like Sunday a helpful day to meal prep. However, the truth is food you make on a Sunday is prob not gonna be so fresh on Friday.
I personally like to recommend meal prepping two day out of the week like a Sunday and Wednesday night. That way meal prep is not so much for one day, the food stays fresher and you can also switch up the variety of the foods you are eating.